SOFTWARE SMViewer: A Surface Microseismic Event Viewer UqerNovember 23, 201612,094 SMViewerMovie Rings (2017) A surface microseismic data viewer specifically designed for displaying waveforms of SEG-Y...
TUTORIALS Install Keras Using TensorFlow as Backend for Deep Learning UqerNovember 20, 201620,266 OS and Python: Mac OS Sierra (version 1.12.1) Python 2.7.12 Installation Steps: Install Anaconda...
REVIEWS 最具投资前景新技术-水力压裂电磁成像技术 UqerAugust 25, 201612,925 文 | 赵争光 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 University of Queensland,...
REVIEWS List of Free/Open Source Microseismic Software UqerJuly 30, 201638,007 中文标题:免费/开源微地震软件 Free Microseismic Software New InSite Viewer InSite Viewer...
REVIEWS Event Signal Examples from Two Downhole Microseismic Datasets UqerJuly 26, 201611,300 Downhole Event Signal Example The recording of microseismic surveys can be used to monitor hydraulic fracture...
TUTORIALS Using Matlab to Derive Time Frequency Spectra of Microseismic Data Part IV: S-Transform UqerJuly 26, 201631,412 S-Transform derived time frequency spectra of 3 traces of 1 downhole microseismic event Matlab Code for...
TUTORIALS Using Matlab to Derive Time Frequency Spectra of Microseismic Data Part III: Wavelet Transform UqerJuly 26, 201621,238 Wavelet Transform derived time frequency spectra of 3 traces of 1 downhole microseismic event Matlab Code...
TUTORIALS Using Matlab to Derive Time Frequency Spectra of Microseismic Data Part II: Short Time Fourier Transform UqerJuly 26, 201615,506 STFT derived time frequency spectra of 3 traces of 1 downhole microseismic event Matlab Code for STFT %%...