SOFTWARE 微地震正演射线追踪动画 AdminDecember 15, 201617,730 地面微地震监测检波器排列射线追踪动画 Animation of microseismic raytracing for surface array using...
SOFTWARE PSForward: An open-source passive seismic forward modeller UqerDecember 13, 201617,317 Title: PSForward: An open-source passive seismic forward modeller 中文标题:PSForward --...
SOFTWARE SMViewer: A Surface Microseismic Event Viewer UqerNovember 23, 201612,094 SMViewerMovie Rings (2017) A surface microseismic data viewer specifically designed for displaying waveforms of SEG-Y...
SOFTWARE SEG-Y Viewer: A Module from RockVisioner UqerJuly 10, 201610,593 RockVisioner is a software specialized in processing and interpreting microseismic data acquired by both surface and...