SOFTWARE 微地震正演射线追踪动画 AdminDecember 15, 201617,887 地面微地震监测检波器排列射线追踪动画 Animation of microseismic raytracing for surface array using...
REVIEWS Event Signal Examples from Two Downhole Microseismic Datasets UqerJuly 26, 201611,363 Downhole Event Signal Example The recording of microseismic surveys can be used to monitor hydraulic fracture...
TUTORIALS Using Matlab to Derive Time Frequency Spectra of Microseismic Data Part I: Overview UqerJuly 26, 201617,482 Time frequency of surface microseismic data recorded during two-hour stimulation job Microseismic signals are actually...
REVIEWS Downhole and Surface Microseismic Acquisition Geometries UqerJuly 10, 20166,020 Downhole array geometries can be classified by the number of monitoring wells into: Single well monitoring...